Friday, June 5, 2009

Dad's Garden

For as long as I can remember (and even longer than that) my Dad has planted a garden every spring. I used to help him when I was really little and lost interest when I was a too-cool-teenager, but helped him again this year. We planted some vegetables that get planted every year (tomatoes, potatoes, beans, peas, carrots, onions, cucumbers, peppers), and tried out some new ones (leeks, garlic, asparagus).

This photo is from the day we planted most of the garden, with brand new rows and a new little tree to replace one that had to be taken out.

A couple weeks later, things are growing like crazy! The asparagus is getting so tall!


  1. I've got some potatoes growing in a couple rubbermade containers on the balcony and they are getting enormous. I really can't believe it!


  2. Very cool Abster!

  3. I want to grow some stuff in my apartment when I go back to Montreal... I'm not sure what yet... maybe just some Basil? We'll see!
